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International Projects and Partnerships

Businessgame planning schoolyear 23/24

Participating partners:

  • Learnmark Horsens (DK)
  • Bodø videregående skole (NO)
  • RijnIjssel (Arnhem / NL)
  • Szegedi SZC Kőrösy József Közgazdasági Technikum / Szeged (HU)
  • Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional Misericordia / Valencia (ES)

Businessgame settings:

  1. A class of our business grammar school (Berufliches Gymnasium) is planning to execute a businessgame with Szeged and Denmark in week 9,10. We will send students to Horsens (max. 6). There may participate also an other class from the RBZ Wirtschaft . Kiel (but that is not sure). 
  2. The RBZ Wirtschaft wants to participate with approx. 40 students (2 classes) in November (week 45/46). We are planning to send 6 students and we can receive 6 - 10 students.
  3. We are planning to make a second run in November (week 47) together with Szeged and one Class (Olaf – 20 students + 20 students from another class). It might be necessary to have one class more in this run and it also might be possible to send students if we have enough teachers to accompany students. We will integrate a new school from Valencia in this game and we will send an experienced teacher and 6 students to valencia to help Elena Pinto to run the game.
  4. We run a businessgame in January/February (week 5,6) with RijnIjssel. We can send 6 and receive 8-10 students.

Week 45/46 (November): 

Businessgame with Arnhem, Bodø, Horsens and Kiel
    • Kiel: Is sending 6 students to Horsens
    • Horsens: Is sending 6-10 students to Arnhem
    • Bodø: Is sending students to Kiel
    • Arnhem: Is sending students 10 to Bodø

Students will be accomaigned by teachers and teachers are involved in the businessgame

Businessgame setting:
    • Kiel is equipping an office in Bodø
    • Bodø is equipping an Office in Horsens 
    • Horsens is equipping an office in Arnhem
    • Arnhem is equipping in Kiel

weeks 46/47:

Businessgame with Kiel, Szeged and Valencia
    •  Kiel is sending students (6) to Valencia
    • Szeged and Valencia are not sending students
Businessgame setting:
    • Kiel is equipping an office in Szeged
    • Szeged is equipping an Office in Valencia
    • Valencia is equipping an office in Kiel

weeks 5/6 2024 (29.01. - 09.02.2024)

Kiel and Arnhem are exchanging students with Kiel (6), Arnhem (6-10)

Kiel is quipping an office in Arnhem and vs


week 9/10 2024

    • Horsens will send stundents to Hungary or Germany (6-10)
    • Kiel will send students zu Horsens (If possibel Szeged will send students to Kiel (6-8))
Businessgame setting:
    • Horsens is equipping an office in Kiel
    • Kiel is equipping an office in Szeged
    • Szeged is equipping an office in Horsens
RBZ Wirtschaft.Kiel
Westring 444, 24118 Kiel

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